Reserved Showroom

Client: LPP S.A.
Category: Fashion + Apparel
Scope: Preliminary and Technical Design | Rollout | Flagship | VR
Location: Warsaw, Poland

2016 - 2017


LPP is a vertically integrated clothing retailer, one of the largest in the CEE region. We were asked to design a showroom based on the retail concept of their core Reserved brand. Since Warsaw is the most important city in Poland and Reserved the best performing brand in the company’s portfolio, it goes without saying that we were in the CEO’s personal crosshairs and were expected to overdeliver.


Design a showroom located in an office building using a shopping center-based brandbook

  • Low ceiling
  • No shopfront
  • Atypical floorplan compared to traditional store layouts
  • Integrate media/conference area

Stay true to the look & feel of the retail concept in a non-shopping environment

  • Question density assumptions and practices for an optimal showroom experience

Modus operandi:

Initially the subsequent design revisions were communicated through traditional 2D architectural drawings and computer visuals prepared by an external studio. This did not work very well – the process was too slow and the visuals were only images that did not tell the whole story.

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