Lee Wrangler Multibrand

Client: VF Corporation
Category: Fashion + Apparel
Scope: Concept and Implementation | Rollout | Flagship
Location: Szczecin, Poland

2016 - 2017


We were asked to develop a new multibrand concept for Lee and Wrangler by the European division of VF Corporation. The Client also invited Ink Associates of London for a joint collaboration. The concept was destined for the CEE region and emerging markets.


Create a balanced multibrand environment for two jeanswear brands with distinct heritages for the CEE Emerging Markets

  • Create a cost-effective, commercial offering without compromising on fashion presentation
  • Create detailed design documentation for new furniture
  • Oversee prototyping production, value engineering and implementation
  • Choose rollout partners and oversee tendering
  • Liase with VF country divisions for rollout
  • Rollout implementation in Poland, Czech Republic, Israel, Greece

Modus operandi:

The concept was initially defined and developed during workshops in London, Bornem and Warsaw. After final approval we continued our collaboration with fixture prototypes in Poland and the Czech Republic and the first flagship multibrand in Szczecin.

Our collaboration with Ink Associates was symbiotic – they leveraged their experience of working with the two brands separately with our knowledge of the intended target audience and work with the previous multibrand concept.

  • Created a unified multibrand environment through one engineered, wooden material to highlight both brands – earlier concept had two internal “stores” within one space
  • Maintained costs relative to previous concept despite more premium standard
  • Reduced amount of materials
  • Simplified furniture typology
  • Standarized focal walls allowing for easier and more consistent production despite broad rollout

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